Internet Business Guide

For First-Class Progress

James Brausch Is Back

“Who’s James Brausch?” you ask? Yeah right, he wasn’t one of those noisy Internet business figures you read about every day.

Well, just browse through past entries of my blog to get an idea, and take a look at the seven James Brausch DVDs still on sale here (sidebar) that provide precise step-by-step instructions on how he made millions online. (As a matter of fact, just last week I offered something very cool to my list of subscribers that was James Brausch related. You may want to subscribe to my blog announcement list to receive notice of more cool stuff that’s coming up soon.)

Anyway, James Brausch is backnot in the Internet business scene (yet?), but I’m very glad to read (and learn) from James again, nonetheless.

If, after reading through my blog, you’re still curious, here’s what had happened.

Welcome back, James, and all the best for you and your family on your boat tour!

—Marcus Hochstadt


4 responses to “James Brausch Is Back”

  1. Ian Richardson Avatar

    Hi Marcus,

    Is it true, James is back?

    I wondered when he would reappear.

    How has everything been going with you?

    I was hoping to get your offer of the DVD’s, but funds aren’t in order to do so at this time.

    I’ve been seeing a few sites based on his teachings, and also sites using his methods. I was thinking to get involved with some of them, but haven’t as yet.

    Would be good to hear from you as I know you were able to meet with James in person. Something I was hoping to do on his second time around the Internet.

    Look forward to hearing more from you (and James)


  2. Aaron Brandon Avatar

    Hey guys!

    Hehe, I was wondering when he would appear again too.

    Good to see you are around still Ian!

    Look forward to working on some stuff with you Marcus!


  3. Michelle Avatar

    Thanks for the post – I always enjoyed reading James Brausch’s writing.

    Unfortunately, it looks like James’ website is currently down. 

    Says, “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” — and his website has been like this for several days. 

  4. Harold Avatar

    Here’s an update on what James Brausch has been up to lately. Very interesting!

    Sometimes he goes by “Jim Brausch” and he lives in Utah.

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