Our monetary system has failed. Game over.
Most of the problems and misalignments in our world today exist because of money.
Think about it… Get rid of the monetary system and you eradicate most issues. Only a very small percentage of privileged people, those who know how to play the game efficiently, benefit from this monetary system that has been established at one point in history.
At its core, though, this ancient, destructive, ego-driven system of currency, exchange, power, politics, and getting paid for things is based on fear instead of love—doomed to failure.
What would people do if they would not receive money for, or a monetary benefit from, the things they know and do? Some say money wouldn’t bring happiness. Why then do millions and millions of people suffer so horribly on our planet? At the same time there are others who watch this with the intention of retaining the status quo, due to money and the fear of loss.
What would you do if you would get the things you need and desire, without the need for receiving money for anything? Would you still do the same work you do now? Would you still lie and cheat? Would you still give the impression of being someone that you actually aren’t and doing things that you actually don’t do? Would you still be together with the same person? Would you still hurt people (and, in turn, hurt yourself)?
I think that most of these negative emotions and destructive behaviors are due to the monetary system on planet earth. And when you get rid of it you eliminate fearful and harmful behavior at the same time.
We need a new system that benefits all equally, all 7 billion of us.
Here’s part of my vision for a better world in which most, if not all, people would benefit greatly and enjoy a good and better life.
- No more money.
- No money = no more crime.
- No money = no more wars.
- No money = no more poverty.
- No more competitive, egocentric, better-than-thou thinking & attitudes.
- Prosperity is shared equally among all. We don’t work for one person or one company or one government. Instead, every individual works for the prosperity and well-being of all 7 billion people on our planet at the same time.
- People still work, but everyone is being compensated or rewarded equally—solely based on the amount of hours contributed to the local, national, and global community.
- With this substantial change comes an elevated awareness of one-consciousness.
- Life is filled with, and based on, affinity and harmony.
- Decisions are lead by unconditional love.
Now, some might be wondering how we could possibly survive without money. How would we get food and something to drink, for example? What about shelter? How could we “afford” that new gadget, car, dress, dinner when money doesn’t exist anymore?
I am confident that we are smart enough to figure these kind of things out. As a matter of fact, we do that already every single day. Our planet exists, survives, and thrives because of us.
Living in a world without money
Without money, we would still continue to do the things we already do, or, even better, do what we love to do.
How exactly could this work out? Hmm, perhaps with some sort of a collective reward system from the community? Like the “thumbs up” way of approval you see on social platforms—where good and truly beneficial things are being evaluated, valued, and approved by the collective wisdom.
These types of approvals could be on papers, ID cards, websites, whatever.
As far as such a collective reward system is concerned, I can imagine 4 – 8 “levels” here, according to the amount of hours contributed (one “level” per hour per day). Those who don’t work would receive (nonetheless good) primary care, whereas those who spent 4 – 8 hours per day working for the prosperity and well-being of all would receive (i.e., could “order”) whatever they desire. Then the other levels in-between.
You think that people would get lazy and stop working? Think again…
People have desires. Although guaranteeing survival, we want more than the basic stuff and primary care. So we’ll continue working in order to enjoy a better lifestyle (travel, a better car, electronics, jewelry, certain clothes, bigger homes, help, services, etc.). And because we’re being rewarded equally, our motivation rises.
Why a maximum of 8 levels? This is to prevent the craziness that’s going on right now, with just a handful of smart or lucky millionaires & billionaires on one hand and an insane amount of people who can’t afford simple basic stuff on the other.
By the way, I don’t think that there would be a need for yet another political control mechanism for this type of system. What I do think is that the local, national, and global community enlarge would manage itself quite well—much better than certain people fear. ;-)
Let’s use a real-world example.
Do you like fresh bread in the morning? The baker continues to prepare fresh bread because he still wants to, not only see your happy smile when you pick up your bread, but also receive your approval for that he did a good job. And the truck driver will continue to deliver the goods necessary to prepare fresh bread as he wants the local community to thrive and be well, as well as receive the collective approval for doing a good job so that he can order/receive the things he desires. Similarly, the truck driver will still receive the gas (from the gas station) necessary to drive his truck, and support from car mechanics. And on it goes…
Folks would receive approval from the community for doing a good job and helping everyone to thrive. As a result, they can order the things they desire, according to the hours contributed—without any monetary exchanges.
No more differentiation
I see no differences anymore in terms of the amount of reward one receives per hour of work. You spend one hour doing something for the local, national, and/or global community? You get the same amount of approval and prosperity—no matter where you live, which skin color you have, which language you speak, which education you received, which relationships you maintain, which people you know, your ability—or inability—to communicate and persuade, etc.
For example, the maid who’ll spent 5 hours cleaning my home tomorrow would enjoy the same level of prosperity than a boss of a big corporation who spent 5 hours in a meeting. Seeing this with the ancient way of life, the boss of the corporation would still have the same lifestyle (more or less), but for the maid it would mean a substantially better lifestyle—elevated to that of the boss.
The nurse who saved the life of two people would receive the same amount than the person who manages the hospital.
The guy who keeps a city’s streets neat and clean would receive the same amount than the city’s major.
The guys and girls who prepare and serve food in a restaurant would receive the same amount than the owner of the establishment.
Isn’t it amazing what that would lead us to?
No more political restrictions and borders
I further see country borders vanish. Again, no money = no crime. Due to the elevated prosperity among all and the eradication of the monetary system, there would be no need anymore to politically “control” and “protect” stuff.
Heightened productivity
With that being said, I think we can spend 50% less time working and still have the same amount, if not more, prosperity and well-being on our planet. If you look at it, most people that work in a 9 – 5 job environment are not that productive anyway, knowing that they only get a very small share of what they actually contribute time-wise. They could deliver the same amount of work in half the time, with more fun at work—knowing that what they do is for the greater good, for the expansion of their own prosperity and well-being as well as that of the local, national, and global community—rather than just for one person or a select few privileged.
If you still think that people would simply get lazy and fake things, again, I don’t think so. The local, national, and/or global community would notice it and point it out accordingly (lovingly & supportively, though). In addition, because prosperity is shared equally among all, the desire for pressure and cheating vanishes.
Again, remove fear from the equation and start to truly love and trust.
Raised motivation
That being said, whatever we do we do it not just for a select few smart people but for all 7 billion. Don’t you think that this alone would give us a huge boost in motivation and productivity?
I do think so.
Also, as you can’t control (at least not for very long) the way someone lives his or her life (for example, you don’t like the way someone leads a company or country), removing the monetary system would automatically alter someone’s attitude and behavior to one that serves the good for all. Because, once you eliminate money, what is left?
The things one wholeheartedly wishes and desires.
I hope & wish that we eradicate the ancient and destructive monetary system sooner rather than later; that we head towards oneness; that everyone enjoys a prosperous lifestyle on our planet; that we help and contribute to the local, national, and global community and benefit from it equally—without money, fears, lies, egocentricity, and laws, but with altruism, harmony, honesty, prosperity, trust, and unconditional love.
By the way, recent studies show that by sharing the currently available wealth equally across the planet, everyone would essentially be a millionaire (that is, in the outdated monetary system). However, since most people would or could not keep those millions of money, we need a new system in place that guarantees long-lasting welfare for all.
Our planet enlarge already does prosper, the wealth is just unfairly and unequally shared.
I very welcome the phase of time we are currently in. If you are fearful, don’t be. Trust in the good in humanity. Everything will work out well for everybody, including you. People will not stop working. Remember, we need each other.
Welcome changes. Applaud the demolition of the monetary system as it will bring us a much better, more beneficial system with infinite, equal possibilities for everyone.
Life is supposed to be fun, right? So let’s establish a system that ensures a fun experience for everyone. I’m so ready for it.
I barely scratched the surface here, though, and I’m open for more ideas from, um, the global community. :-)
—Marcus Hochstadt
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