Category: Internet Business
My Posh Video Productions (Duh!)
Well, I’m wondering about myself why I haven’t publicly announced or shared all the videos I did up to this point (except for a Google AdSense video tutorial, which isn’t freely available anymore, duh!). Guess I was too busy producing this stuff that I forgot to share it with y’all here on my blog. <slap…
Discipline For The Work-At-Home Business Person
If you are one of the lucky ones who have been able to quit their day jobs and work out of their home, you might find you are spending too much time spinning your wheels. Does this sound familiar? :-) It’s great that you are moving forward and getting out of the grind. It’s really…
Why The Video Boss Is Important For Your Internet Business
Are you running an Internet business? Well, I think so since you’re reading my blog. ;-) Whether you’re running a sole Internet business or are about to bring your brick-and-mortar business online, you will definitely benefit if you do some marketing for it. How else can you grab the attention of several people and make…
Welcome Back, Entrecard Friends! :-)
It’s been quite a while the last time I was active within the huge Entrecard community. And I feel it’s time to connect with you all again. To those who don’t know me or remember me dimly, my blog was the most popular among tens of thousands of blogs/websites in Entrecard a number of times.…
Very Cool $100+ Internet Business Signup Gift
I’ve just finished assembling a pretty cool Internet business related gift for my subscribers — a multimedia course that could easily sell for $100 or more. It’s a webinar with my friend Aaron Brandon in which we share our Internet Business Cliff Notes with more than six years of experience on how to start an…
Just got this inspiring piece of advice (from Abraham-Hicks) in my inbox that I’d like to share with you: Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You’re just not ready to receive it right now. — Abraham Interesting,…
Frank Kern And San Diego
I’m on my way to San Diego, to a jam packed Frank Kern invite-only weekend seminar. One of the neat things is that I’m traveling business class for the very first time (paid 90,000 miles for it), and I already enjoy a good breakfast in the Lufthansa Lounge at the moment. That pays back very…
Steve Jobs’ Blood Pressure
Looks like Steve Jobs set up a separate Twitter account for his blood pressure (his words), and is attracting around 100 followers per hour. Tweets by ceoSteveJobs Although I’m still not on Twitter yet, I incidentally captured that today and found a few hilarious tweets from Steve, and I thought it would be fun to…