Steve Jobs’ Blood Pressure
Looks like Steve Jobs set up a separate Twitter account for his blood pressure (his words), and is attracting around 100 followers per hour.
Although I’m still not on Twitter yet, I incidentally captured that today and found a few hilarious tweets from Steve, and I thought it would be fun to share my Top 5 with ya:
- Microsoft, kiss my apps.
- Adam’s Apple was an iMac.
- An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. Best healthcare plan there is.
- First Opera. Now Google has submitted Chrome to the App Store. I give up.
- Plotting to acquire Google.
Which one is your favorite? :-)
—Marcus Hochstadt
P.S. The above account is currently “suspended.” That’s why I removed the hyperlink.
Tagged with: steve jobs
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Adam’s apple was an iMac…he got it from Eve.
Thanks Marcus for sharing. I will definitely following him on twitter. I want to join him on facebook too. Send me a link of facebook too.
Plotting to acquire Google. LOL. I chuckled at first but then I thought about it. Steve is probably the only man alive who could pull it off!
I’m a little behind times, i guess. Looks like I might have to get a twitter account. I was under the assumption it was used by mainly teens and spammers.
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. Best healthcare plan there is — Maybe Apple will start providing Universal Health Care
Microsoft Kiss my apps! That’s the one, will definitely be following Mr Jobs now.
100 followers per hour? Wow. I wish my account has the same situation also. Haha. I wish.
“All Apple employees are henceforth forbidden to know anything about upcoming products. I will work in secret. Alone.”
Will he have himself arrested for possessing upcoming products? It would be safer for him to work in a prison cell so he wouldn’t accidentally leave a prototype behind somewhere.
Steve jobs always makes me chuckle. Its his charisma alone that has driven apple to the dizzying heights it enjoys.
If he won’t acquire Google fast iPhone will most probably be beaten by Android.Acquiring Google is the only way out to stay in game.
Apple is opening 75 new retail stores this year. 74 will be in California. – my favorite ;)
100 followers per hour is crazy! But he is one of the most popular CEOs around the globe.
Can someone pls tell me how i can get 100 followers per hour?
I really luv to know.
This is the best: Microsoft, kiss my apps! Definitely a forceful statement =)
Microsoft, kiss my apps.. lol definitely the best one. :D
Its got to be Microsoft, my apps. Great one!
Kiss My Apps… Love it
Microsoft, kiss my apps.. lol definitely the best one
Microsoft kiss my apps – it says so much. Apple has simply blown MS away in the last few years with innovation and ingenuity. There’s too much creativity running through Apply that MS will never be able to match.
Microsoft learn how 100 followers know me that definitely a forceful statement.
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. Best healthcare plan there is.
This sure is interesting… 100 followers in just an hour! I want to know how.
My favourite is “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. Best healthcare plan there is.”