A great way to market your Internet business is to please your visitors with excellent content and make them stay & browsing your site.
Duh! Nothing new, right?
Still, up to now some of you may have only been concentrating on pleasing mainly the search engines spiders. If yes, well, then it’s time to adjust […]
Continue Reading →Do you track Click-Through Rates (CTRs) in your AutoResponder using one of those obscure tracking URLs they generate? They look pretty much like so:
What does that imply in some of your subscribers’ mind?
“That guy/garl is observing whether or not I clicked on that link.”
Do you agree that there are […]
Continue Reading →Are you running an Internet business? Well, I think so since you’re reading my blog. ;-)
Whether you’re running a sole Internet business or are about to bring your brick-and-mortar business online, you will definitely benefit if you do some marketing for it. How else can you grab the attention of several people and make […]
Continue Reading →If you’re using an autoresponder — and since you’re reading my blog you certainly are — you’re eventually concerned about the Open Rate of your list. If not, or if you’re still sending your newsletters in plain text format only (which I used to do until just recently), then you can dismiss this post for […]
Continue Reading →I will offer some opinions here, and you can take them or leave them. However, due to my experience (and actual tests run), I hope you will take what I have to say to heart! :-)
What is it that gets visitors to your Web site to stay there, browsing, looking and buying? Is it […]
Continue Reading →When in search for a product or service to sell online (or off, for that matter), you must take some steps to get the perfect market (or some call it niche) that will have a high desirability in today’s marketplace. The public must want it! :-)
Normally, you’d Continue Reading →
Here’s a new look at your future Internet business endeavors. Think in terms of “if you can’t beat them, join them.” Rather than compete with other similar Internet businesses, you can join them as partners, escalating your business more than you ever imagined. :-)
In other words, Internet business doesn’t have to be about being […]
Continue Reading →Ever heard of FeedBurner? Stupid question, huh…
It seems as if the majority of bloggers use FeedBurner to distribute and track the use of their RSS feeds.
Every day I come across blogs showing off the neat little counter proudly displaying how many subscribers they have, just like so…
Here is the thing […]
Continue Reading →Recent Entries
- The Monetary System Has Failed
- Answer Email Communication FAST
- 5 Ways To Market Your Site
- Mind Mapping For High-Speed Brainstorming
- SundayTV
- One New Blog Every Second?
- AutoResponder Tracking To Insanity
- What Is Best For You — A Web Site Or A Blog?
- My Posh Video Productions (Duh!)
- Discipline For The Work-At-Home Business Person