Increase Ranking With Contextual Linking

Do you have a “link page” on your Web site? Well, think about changing. A better and more effective way to have quality links on your page is by using contextual linking.

What is contextual linking, you might ask? Well, the answer is simple… it’s adding links that are embedded in your existing content-rich pages.

Forget those pages where you’ve just added a whole bunch of links to various companies. Even dividing them into industries doesn’t help (unless your Web site happens to be a directory). There’s no CONTENT on these pages to make the search engines happy. And who is going to voluntarily visit your link page? Probably nobody; conduct a survey and you shall see… ;-)

A simple text link will normally consist of a few anchor words, with a link to that other Web site. They aren’t within actual content on the page. But a context link will exist within lots of text that is relevant.

The number of links within that text should not be overwhelming to the visitor. And it’s important to know that these contextual links are particularly high quality. Search engines will rate them as such because of the content of your pages, as well as rating the quality of the content of the pages that your link links to.

You can ask others to add your link into their pages by already having their link on your page, but you will find that if you are not indexed in the major search engines, they will refuse to reciprocate. Why? Because no one is going to find that link. Ensure you are indexed. How to find out?

Type in your Web site address into Google. Does your site come up? If so, you’re indexed.

Also, be sure that the site you are asking to contain your link comes up as being indexed. Place their Web site URL into Google as well. If they aren’t indexed, forget about them for now.

Having contextual links has become a viable way to drive traffic to your site. You’ll find targeted traffic will arrive, eager to see what you have available.

Remember: Relevant text is important. You don’t want to be selling services as an auto mechanic and have links to laser printer sales companies. But if you have links to businesses that sell auto parts or cars or tires… well, you see what I mean.

Here’s an example of how it could work. Let’s say you have a Web site where you’re writing about your travel experiences. Here’s a part of your possible content and a contextual link…

The last time I traveled to Europe I booked my ticket to Germany at

That “ticket to Germany at” is an in-context text link, a link within and relevant to the content.

Doing contextual linking will set you up to get more quality traffic and thus more sales. Do it!

—Marcus Hochstadt

25 thoughts on “Increase Ranking With Contextual Linking”

  1. same for me, you could mention a “blog tips” blog like ours and i’d mention your very good tip and your site



  2. I won a $700 review of my site by you on theuniversitykid’s contest. Did you get around to doing it? I sent you an email and left a comment before. Just thought i’d remind you again. Thanks

  3. As always, excellent advice. I had a link page at one time, and you are absolutely right–nobody ever visited–I mean ever. I think contextual linking is not only a good way to drive traffic to a site, but also gives your posts more depth and the readers more information, as they can click on that link if they’re interested, and open a whole new resource.

  4. Hi Marcus,

    I’m definitely doing something wrong because my position keeps sliding in the search results. Hmmm, I thought I was doing everything by the book, but I guess I’m missing something. I’ll give this a try.

  5. Pingback: SuccessPart2.Com
  6. Agreed this is solid info. Google spiders pages, and reads content, so if your link is contextual it counts for more, most people don’t realize this though. Good job pointing it out.

  7. I agre with you that it looks better to the likes of google but can be annoying if it is not used as a target=new window as it’s easy to get lost and not find ones way back.

    I see you are in the dofollow school but your links are nofollowed?

  8. Sir thank you for this tips. I can guess what you want to say. This is really one nice SEO tips, we can pick some high search volume keyword and put them within our text by linking. I will use this tips.

  9. Marcus Hochstadt,

    Advantageous of contextual linking is best seen at google SERP-s, google shows + sign with drop down listing 5 or often more pages related for keyword query if inner between pages contextual linking is done properly.

    But in practice, suppose I offer web design services at my web site. If I write about web design services at one web page and put outbound contextual link to my competition, visitor will immediately go to competition web site and I will lose customer.

    But if I have link partners web page deep inside my web site rarely anyone visitor see it. That is the catch, be polite but not too polite.

  10. Contextual linking is nothing new right? It’s always been around. I think what’s important is that Google places (we can’t know for certain) more weight on a contextual link than a non-contextual link(i.e. paid, social bookmark, etc). But yeh, who really knows.

    Btw, thumbs up to the comment above for recognizing how the SERP drop-down listing is related to this topic.

    Good article.


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