Are you running an Internet business? Well, I think so since you’re reading my blog. ;-)
Whether you’re running a sole Internet business or are about to bring your brick-and-mortar business online, you will definitely benefit if you do some marketing for it. How else can you grab the attention of several people and make them your customers? Doh!
One way is through video marketing. This involves video production or creating a certain video clip that can help promote your online presence, but you have to conceptualize it first. You don’t just come up with any video without thinking it through, because all your efforts will be useless if the video you created isn’t really effective in promoting your precious Internet business.
More often than not, you will also have to make use of video sharing sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, etc) one way or the other.
How Video Marketing Works
Some folks refer to it as video promotion, but the simple concept of this particular means of marketing is that you make use of videos to spread the word about your business, services or products and to develop your brand along the way. You need to think of video clips that can showcase your online business in a fun and interesting way.
Video marketing is somehow like article marketing. Though, instead of letting your current and potential clients read text, you allow them to watch videos that are related to and are promoting your Internet business. This concept works because we humans are very visual creatures.
After you’re done creating those promotional video clips of yours, you just have to upload them to a number of video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo so that people can see those videos marketing your business. Alternatively, upload them to TubeMogul to spread them across a number of video sharing sites all at once.
The Importance Of Video Marketing
Any marketing method is significant since it helps put the business involved on the map. However, video marketing is more important especially in these modern times wherein both the public and the search engines have developed a certain love for videos and are always hungry for video content.
Come to think of it… Video promotion or marketing helps decrease a website’s bounce rate. It also helps your site rank higher in search engines. Plus, your video clips themselves will rank high as well.
That’s quite a double treat, don’t you think? It can also aid in image branding and increasing credibility as well as professionalism of your Internet business.
Check Out The Video Boss Of Andy Jenkins
While many have already understood the importance of video marketing and how it can help their online businesses, several folks, Internet marketers and business owners are still skeptical. This is because they think video production is too technical and out of their league.
Good thing we have The Video Boss of my friend Andy Jenkins. What’s The Video Boss anyway? This is a training course and coaching program that can help the average individual make cutting-edge, high quality and, most importantly, profitable videos all on his/her own — using simple tools that might already be installed on your computer.
You should check out the free video tutorials inside The Video Boss and learn from his strategies and techniques. Apply them to your Internet business and video marketing efforts and increase YOUR bottom line (as I did). :-)
—Marcus Hochstadt
Update: The Video Boss has been shut down and taken off the market. So I removed the links from this blog post.