Intelligente Zellen: Der Geist ist stärker als die GeneI just finished watching an excellent DVD — Bruce Lipton‘s “Intelligente Zellen: Der Geist ist stärker als die Gene” which translates to “Intelligent Cells: The Spirit is Stronger Than the Genes.”

The DVD is based on his book The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles and showcases his live event in Vienna, Austria in 2008.

Excellent, excellent. I recommend it to anyone who wants to go beyond old-school medicine and take charge of their own life.

Looks like you can’t get it at, but at or

The DVD is in English, German, and Italian.

—Marcus Hochstadt

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10 Responses to The Biology Of Belief

  1. Not all people are interested in things like this so I was happy to find a review. Now I gotta get myself a copy and see for myself.

  2. Thankyou for sharing with us. I will look into it.

  3. This seems like a great video. Bruce Lipton is great. Is this similiar to What the Bleep or is it more like The Secret?

  4. insalutis says:

    I buy this excellent DVD and I like this, it’ s very good.

  5. makbig says:

    I’ll have to check this out. I read a Bruce Lipton article recently and it was interesting. It’s good to see more things out there dealing with consciousness.

  6. dan says:

    Wow thats really interesting. The mind is a powerful thing!

  7. Jeff Gold says:

    Ohh cool find. Thanks for sharing I’m really excited to check it out.

  8. Misty says:

    I believe our mind is the most powerful thing that we all have. Sometimes we do not realize but what our life is keeping us busy is what our mind really wanted to.

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