Travel Ghostwriters Needed

I’m looking for one or two more excellent travel writers for one of my Web sites (a content rich travel site).

Do you love to travel? Have you been to different places, eventually to Europe? Do you love to write? Is English your first language? Do you have a broad vocabulary? Is your writing style captivating and exiting so it grabs the visitor’s (i.e., traveler’s) interests to an extend that s/he will browse the site to read more, more, more? Would you like to get paid for ghostwriting? (The common request is for short 300-350+ words articles plus headline & short description; usually $5-$7 per 300+ words article.)

Note: All content you provide should be original and publishable by me with no fear of infringing on someone’s copyright. Articles that are borrowed, copied, or roughly compiled from other sources will not be accepted. We will be checking for plagiarism.

If the above sounds appealing to you, send your info using the contact from at Give a sample travel article with your submission (in the message itself), and indicate your rate.

Payments via PayPal. You will receive the topics and can work at your own pace, but it is desired you write five or more articles per week.

Thank you!

—Marcus Hochstadt


11 responses to “Travel Ghostwriters Needed”

  1. MyStore Avatar

    I guess you need to have German experience to apply!!!

  2. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    That’s certainly not the case, MyStore. My top writer for the content of that site is Australian, she lives in Australia, and probably has never been to Germany. Yet her writing style is top notch, and she obviously knows how to research properly.


  3. G_mirage Avatar

    I have been putting more photos than writing when I share my travel experiences…but I write about other things for magazines. hmmm, I dont know if this would qualify…

    is one, I’d look at what else I wrote about =D danke!

  4. Louise Pool Avatar


    This sounds interesting. I haven’t done any travel writing yet, but you can see a sample of my writing both at the above blog and at

    I have also published in print magazines and newspapers locally. Samples are available.

    You say ghostwriter. I’m assuming that’s without a byline?


  5. Louise Pool Avatar

    Forgot to mention that I lived in Switzerland for many years and have actually travelled around Europe.

  6. Louise Pool Avatar

    Hello again,

    It looks like my first comment didn’t get through (and the PS is a little sad on its own). So here goes again.

    You can see samples of my writing both at the above blog and at I haven’t done any travel writing yet, but have published articles on a number of topics in magazines and newspapers locally. Samples are available.



  7. Nairobian Perspective Avatar

    very interesting indeed, lemme know how you feel about my writting skills?

  8. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Interesting… I thought my above instructions are clear enough, but up to now there was only one person who followed them to an extend that I already gave her five topics to write about. She did not post here on my blog but followed the above procedure precisely.

    Life can be easy or difficult. :-)


  9. a writer Avatar

    Hi, is the ghost writing job still open?

  10. a writer Avatar

    Hi, is the ghost writing job still open? I’ve tried posting a comment on your website/blog but can’t view the word that I have to input :)

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