Alexa Top 100,000 In 66 Days

Just noticed my blog now belongs to the Top 100,000 sites worldwide according to Alexa. In the toolbar, it may still display the old 3-month average I posted yesterday, though on their Web site it shows the new 3-month average of 99,455!

Alexa Ranking of in March 2008

Alexa Ranking of in March 2008

This is the result of my efforts of only 66 days—my first 66 days blogging, and I’m NOT a full-time blogger! (Can you believe it?)

As a side effect, now I’m entitled to teach others how to increase their site’s Alexa Ranking, catapulting it to Alexa’s VIP arena. :-)

The good thing about being in the Top 100,000 is that the Alexa data are now more accurate. Their data more or less match my Google Analytics stats.

The main “cause” for this success is certainly Entrecard and the fact that my Internet business blog is considered as the most popular among its entire community of 5,000+ high quality blogs.

With that being said, I’m going to throw a little party by giving away 100ec (ec = Entrecard Credits) to EVERYONE posting a comment to this blog post (and perhaps digg and/or stumble? :-)

If you are not a member yet, I or my assistant will get in touch with you soon and send you the credits to the e-mail address you provide when posting your comment. With these 100 credits handy, you’ll have a smoother start with Entrecard, the E-Business Card 2.0. Meaning, you can already start driving more traffic to your site by advertising on a couple other high quality blogs.

If you are a member, you’ll simply receive the credits to your Entrecard account.

Let’s celebrate!

—Marcus Hochstadt

P.S. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you have when posting your comment. Be it how to improve your ranking in the Entrecard network, how to receive more targeted visitors from Entrecard, how to improve your Internet business, or any other question you may have. Just ask! I’m here for you and may end up answering it…

P.P.S. Anybody knows how to get on Alexa’s Movers & Shakers page? It shows a whopping 89,900% improvement in Reach! That should bring my blog on that page, shouldn’t it? Any tips on how to get there are much appreciated. :-)

Note: The party time is officially over since the Party Contest; see my own comment for details. In other words, feel free to continue to celebrate, but Entrecard Credits won’t be distributed anymore. Thank you very much for your comprehension. ;-) ~Marcus


224 responses to “Alexa Top 100,000 In 66 Days”

  1. AlejandroPortela Avatar

    do i get a bonus for being the first comment? :P
    just kidding, congrats, you have an awewsome blog, i wish i could get 1/10 of your entrecard traffic…

    Alejandro from Spain

  2. Scott Avatar

    Wow, what a feat! Top 100k in 66 days – Sounds like a book title to me! Maybe you could post a top ten reasons why your blog broke 100k in Alexa in 66 days list… Sure to be eaten up in bloglines or Technorati!
    Keep up the great work!
    Oh, no need for the bribery on this comment, it is sincere!

  3. Mirjam Avatar


    At 48 days into blogging I am at 500.000-ish… gives me another 18 days to shake off 400.000 points :D:D

    Gotta go and hurry up!

    1. michael od Avatar
      michael od

      i will like you to help me with getting traffic to my website.. my mail is

  4. Entrepreneur Avatar

    That is pretty amazing for only 66 days of work. Entrecarders must all be alexa equipped ;)

  5. Wino Avatar

    Wow, that’s amazing. I hope to break the 100,000 one day. I guess I need to start dropping a lot more entrecards. Are you going to tell us your other secrets?

  6. Scott Avatar

    ec received – thanks!

  7. Taitai Avatar

    I’m at 800,000- can’t imagine what its like to be where you’re at!

  8. Traveller Avatar

    I’ve been blogging 3x longer than you which means that I am a veteran to your 66 days and still I am only at 400K++ on a good day. Congratulations!

  9. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Guys ‘n girls, in case you started spreading the word, I just changed the URL of this post.

    I know, I know, shouldn’t do that as it can do more harm than good. Though, “Alexa Top 100,000 In 66 Days” does tell a lot more than “Alexa Rank Top 100,000,” doesn’t it? Yeah, so…

    Again, please update the link and/or stumble, digg, etc again.

    Thanks a bunch for your cooperation!

  10. Karl Gechlik | Avatar

    Awesome! Congrats guys – 100 ec’s right here :)

  11. Graham Avatar

    Hi Marcus
    Congratulations, I have followed some of your videos, and learnt a lot as a part time novice blogger, your site is also a great one to advertise on regardless of ec cost I will be watching for another opportunity.


  12. lankapo Avatar

    did you drop every hour for the past 66 days to get that rank?

  13. blogzilla Avatar

    Very cool. Alexa has not updated since 2/20 which is long for them. They usually as indicated on a blog I wrote average 4.5 daus to update.

    Congrats…Try quantcast

  14. TYPELiFE Avatar

    Congratulations, now the hardest part, moving up into the top 50,000 … and then top 10,000!

  15. A. Avatar

    Congratulations! Quite a feat! And you put it down to Entrecard? Certainly Entrecard has doubled my traffic, and I just don’t have the time to go on 300 card dropping sprees. I’m not so sure that all the blogs there are such good quality though. A lot are, but …..

  16. ksc7 Avatar

    Bravo! Great job, its great to see fellow Entrecarders rockin!

  17. Music Review Zone Avatar

    66 Days?! Whoah!

    You started this blog around the same time I started mine. Just set a benchmark. Now I gotta get my finger out – don’t I? :-)

  18. zirpy Avatar

    I don’t know what an entrecard is.. but I’m searching for its informations now

  19. Alfred Saforo Avatar

    Entrecard is a great way to improve your ranking. although my blog is not one of the more popular ones, i have found lots of new readers and subscriberd from entrecard. Congratulations.

  20. Nick Avatar

    Congratulations, Marcus!
    I wish you all the best and thanks for the credits!

  21. My CFO on the Go Avatar

    Great job. I guess now I will have to read your whole blog and figure out how you did it!

  22. Devil's Advocate Avatar

    I have a pretty large readership, but I just started entrecard. What is my strategy? How do I get such a high Alexa ranking?

  23. Devil's Advocate Avatar

    This is a great website, how do I maximize traffic with entrecard?

  24. Javi Avatar

    Man, you’re my hero!

  25. Wess Stewart Avatar

    Congrats! I’ll be lucky to get my site into the top anything.

    Or even the middle!

  26. Devil's Advocate Avatar

    Please be honest?

    Did you just buy add space on credit from Yahoo email, cuz that is the only conceivable way I could think of getting this much traffic.

  27. Larry Brauner Avatar

    I appreciate your accomplishment Marcus. No doubt a combination of intelligence and focus. You’re a good guy to know.

  28. SG Footprints Avatar

    I’ll be honest and say I’m here commenting only because I want the 100 EC but at the same time I’m floored by your fast ascent with Alexa.

  29. Lee Doyle Avatar

    Thats damn good! We have to have a talk sometime on how you do this… Some things just dont ad up for me.

  30. Downloader Avatar

    I have a new blog, I was wondering if you have any other Alexa tips apart from Entrecard (which I am a member of…)

  31. stunning Avatar

    wow congrates man yes entrecard rocks ,i am waiting my chance to advertise on ur blog :)

  32. BaseGuardian Avatar

    Congrats, and Entrecard also work great for my blog too, for a 3 months blog now my Alexa blog’s rank is at 221,853, not bad huh? :lol:

  33. Shanker Bakshi Avatar

    Nice to note that, May you hold the position by working hard on your contents.

  34. Crystal Avatar

    Congrats! Can’t say im not envious =D

  35. Canucklehead Avatar

    That is amazing – my 3-month average is not around 38,000 – but that took me close to a year. I often get SO excited when I see it climb until I realize it doesn’t actually mean anything. Does it? Sorry, that was not fair – honestly – congrats and all the best.

  36. A. Caleb Hartley Avatar

    Congrats, Marcus – you deserve this (not so) little triumph!

    Keep up the excellent work!

    A. Caleb Hartley

  37. mandrill Avatar

    Good Job, looking forward to those tips.

  38. Erik Karey Avatar

    Great work, and nice Alexa rating! Congrats!

  39. zirpy Avatar

    marcus thank you very much for the 200 Entrecard credits!

  40. AlejandroPortela Avatar

    ecs received, thanks a lot! now i need help to build up my traffic. my ec slot sells for 68ec only >.<

  41. LeisaWatkins Avatar

    Congratulations Marcus! Thanks fantastic.

    Truthfully I am not surprised. The more I get to know you the more I understand your abilities and look forward to every post here so I can learn all I can from you.

  42. […] masuk ranking 100.000 besar Alexa dalam 66 hari, anda bakalan dikasih 100 Entrecard Credits lho.. klik di sini untuk menuju ke TKP. affiliate program Posted in Internet | « Firewalk – Jalan di […]

  43. Wiellyam Avatar

    wow, congrats for you. what EC do you has so you can made your Alexa rank to be high.

  44. eenx Avatar

    Hm…. Nice, I’ve register to EC, I hope it’ll be boost my visitor.

    And… Congrats for you.

  45. Dennis Edell Avatar

    Simply incredible, great job!

    I first noticed you at the top of the entrecard site but I had no idea it was only 2 months :-)

  46. mike brown Avatar

    hey i would love 100 ecs their my favorite site and I want to thank you for giving my site a recomendation!!!thanks alot mike brown

  47. Deimos Tel`Arin Avatar

    Congrats, Marcus for breaking to top 100k.

    Now aim for top 50k! :D

    Though your 1-month-average, 7-days-average and daily Alexa Ranking is already well below 50k. ;)

    Keep it up and you’ll get there soon yo!

    After that, I think it is a bit hard to break into the top 10k aye?

    Looking at the number of comments you got, it looks like you are going to burn a big hole in your Entre-Pocket. :p

    Cheers, mate. :D

  48. Wangbu Avatar

    I can see we have similar Alexa pattern ever since I joined entrecard.

  49. Apollo Avatar

    Congratulations. This is a rather big milestone you have reached…shouldn’t we give you credits for that accomplishment?

    Hope you break into the top 10K before the year is up.

  50. Deimos Tel`Arin Avatar

    I just received 100 EntreCredits!

    Thanks! Marcus!

    Keep up the good work yo!

    Keep ’em great posts rollin’ rollin’ in! ;)

  51. Molly Brogan Avatar
    Molly Brogan

    Quite an ambitious give away. All the best to you. Thanks for the tips of the trade.

  52. Turnip Avatar

    Not one post on how we can stop this menace from rising to power? :)

  53. Personal Development Blog For Money Avatar

    wow, I am amazed how you were able to get this ranking in 66 days.. I hope you can share some more tips about this. I will try to follow some of the tips you just shared in this post.

    Thanks for your entrecard recommendations.. I really appreciate that.

  54. Beverly Avatar

    Congrats, you did a awesome job!

  55. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Grrrrreat folks! Lot’s of topics to write about.

    Stay tuned, guys, as I’ll give you the answers to all your questions soon. Gotta be lots of fun! :-)

  56. quelopi Avatar

    it’s better that using many analytics, it’s greaaat

  57. Ian Avatar

    Marcus – thats great. I’ve been going a similar length of time and have got to 131k. I’m regularly under 100k in the weekly and daily stats so I expect to crack the 100k for the 3 month average soon.

  58. Richard Catto Avatar

    If you want to sell advertising on your blog, you need to use

    Alexa is not very accurate. For instance, I was displaying their widget on my blog, and when I took it off, my Alexa rating suddenly bounced UP!

    In my own country, South Africa, my rank used to be 6000+ and after I took it off, my country ranking went to 2000+. tells me how many uniques I get, page views, syndicated traffic and demographics of the users. Plus, if you have more than one blog, you can aggregate your traffic into a network.

    Quantcast is definitely a superior tracking service. Totally free too.

  59. Colin Campbell Avatar

    Excellent work. When do you sleep? Do you have a robot dropping your entrecard?

  60. ukion Avatar

    good job my co-blogger. But, Does entercard gives you quality traffic of just “drop card” visitors?

  61. Anna Avatar

    First I want to thank you for advertising on my blog. Second I want to congratulate you on reaching the 100,000 mark on Alexa. I have on been blooginh for a full month now and my Alexa rank went from 885,872 to 334,716. I try to do many things to bring in traffic to my site, but if you have any little tips or what not, I would greatly appreciate them. It amazes me that you do this part time, and you have such a wonderful rate. Let me know what I could do to improve. I am very goal driven and work very hard. Thank you so much. God Bless.

  62. KiwiPulse Avatar

    Congratz! I have also hit the mark of 100k :D

  63. Manas Kabiraj Avatar

    Hi I am not here only for entrecard points.I want to know the tips of increasing alexa rank.I dont know whether its posiible for you or not to check all the comments.If not then my question would be here without any reply.Hey dear I have a blog with page rank 3 but my visitor statistics is not so good.Alexa rank is very bad which is 1240000 like something.Please help me about giving tips.I will stumble you for my own purpose.And will observe you from your feeds.Thanks.My other mail id is

  64. Adam T. Avatar

    Congrats! Looking forward to following your success! Have a safe trip to Costa Rica!


    Adam T.

  65. peterahon Avatar

    indeed entrecard is doing a great work to all its members blog. a lot of entrecard collaterals are now being created to make it more permanent and not just a fad. I hope guys at entrecard will continue to come up with innovations through its members suggestions so we continue to party online – drop, drop and drop… of course browse, browse and read my blog… hope to see more of entrecard’s benefits.

  66. j  u  l  i  a Avatar

    wow! congrats for that feat!
    i wish i could lower my alexa rank more!
    right now i’m 168,592
    and my blog is 136 days old.

  67. Bill Stanley Avatar
    Bill Stanley

    Wow congratulations!

  68. durbanbay Avatar

    Hi There,

    I am convinced traffic is the key to a successful site so I was happy to google on Alexa traffic and find your blog. Thanks for introducing Entre Cards to me.

    It is a revelation.

  69. Ben Barden Avatar

    Wow, loads of comments on this post! :D
    My site is in the top 100k too, but yours has gone way above mine on the graph. Congrats!

  70. aliman Avatar

    wow…very fantastic…how it does work ? Congratulation…i want to try in my blog…;)..thank for your information

  71. pete Avatar

    congratulations on your success, that’s pretty impressive!

  72. Mark HInkle Avatar


    Interesting Alexa ranking, I would be curious to understand if you did anything else besides EntreCard and if so what. I think it will be interesting when Google gives you a Page Rank. I did enjoy your Permalinks post which is how I got here. Good content is much more significant for drawing traffic then EntreCard.

  73. Cynthia Nichols Avatar

    This is an incredible accomplishment! I agree with the person above who suggested a step by step explanation.

  74. Martin Russell Avatar

    You are doing something amazing for that Alexa ranking, and I’ve never heard of EntreCard.

    So you now have a subscriber who is waiting your coming posts :-)

  75. Simonne Avatar

    Wow! I’m impressed. You have great posts with 0 comments, and this one has 75! Congratulations!

  76. Gary Evans Avatar

    Thanks for letting us know about Entrecard. I’ve not heard of it before.

    Awesome post too. Congratulations on the great success and thanks for sharing!

  77. edwin Avatar

    hi Marcus,

    Congrats and thanks for the article, it’s really interesting. Now I’m trying to do the same thing, hope it’ll be a good progress since I’m still new in monetize blogging.


  78. samuro Avatar

    Hi Marcus, its really fantastic. I just signup and try entrecard. I just new in using entrecard, and really don’t know how to maximize and optimize entrecard.

  79. Zachary Avatar

    Congrats man!

  80. joriz Avatar

    wow! really great feat in 66 days! I also started blogging almost at the same time, and I’m just at less than a million on alexa, so many things to do then. Congrats man!

  81. joriz Avatar

    hi Marcus, thanks for the 100ec credits! I’ll post about your success on my blog. This is a worthy inspiration for all aspiring bloggers out there, me included.

  82. Meredith Avatar

    This is very impressive, I have signed up with Entrecard but when decides to start working properly again I can post the html code needed LOL. Not sure how you managed this one, I’ve been blogging for about 10-14 days now and still no readers – ouch, help LOL.

  83. David Rogers Avatar

    Fascinating post, first time I’ve heard any detail about success through Entrecard. I look forward to trying it.

  84. Surviving retrencment Avatar
    Surviving retrencment

    Good work mate ! Looking forward to sharing in your success…

  85. Pinay Mommy Avatar

    hello there marcus! i want to join the party too. and of course very interested to have 100 ec….hehehe

    congrats by the way!!

  86. Pinay Mommy Avatar

    hello again marcus! i did a post about this at my blog. please do visit it here:


  87. Christine aka BayAreaMompreneur Avatar

    Congrats on your ranking! I’d love to join in on the party! …and thanks in advance for the 100 ec! =)

  88. gizelle Avatar

    wow! Congratulations! Und ich hoffe Sie können mir auch ecs geben =D Schönen tag noch!

  89. rinto Avatar

    Congratulation, Marcus! I’m happy for you. I also just joined entrecard for my new blog on blogging and internet marketing. Please visit my blog :

    You may send entrecard credits to me ;)

  90. summer Avatar

    i believe, but i dunno why my traffic still as usually. there are no increase.

  91. aswin jaseem Avatar

    really wonderful that you got such a high rank in 66 days . really amazing

  92. aswin raj Avatar

    hi i had known about your credit plz give me also credits giving plz . anyway yuor blog rockz

  93. indocontest Avatar

    Thats very WOW…..
    i almost 3 month blogging and still in 240K.
    hm i subscribe to your feed.

  94. video insaciable Avatar

    nice work, i hope i will be soon ready about you on top 25.000 :)

  95. Katia Avatar

    Congratulations! That’s great!

  96. Dave from Welcome Back Rosenthal Avatar

    Is this the same contest with tysblog?

    Sounds good

  97. Crystal Avatar

    Congratulations, that’s awesome!

  98. Bilaboong Avatar

    Congratulations, nice job u have

  99. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Thank you all for your participation. That was a lot of fun, wasn’t it? :-)

    The giveaway is over now though because… there is a much BIGGER one going on at…

    See y’all there!


  100. brunogoyanna Avatar

    Good work I would like to know if you will teach all the steps of how to improve the alexa rank?

  101. grillicious Avatar

    Congratz on being top 100000, thanx 4 share!

  102. haziri Avatar

    Wow… really good. 100k? i wonder how many days do i have to take to make it there on my own. But surrender without trying is like praying for dying…

  103. app2us advisor Avatar

    Great work, I was slow on using Entrecard, now realize the importance.


  104. broalex Avatar

    Wish I get in top 100.000 , according to Alexa My Rank is 3.000.000 just got there in 2 weeks time.;) Great Job you have done on this blog
    Does everyone get the entrecard credits?


  105. Permana Jayanta Avatar

    Nice, it motivate me to play more in entrecard.

  106. Bali Avatar

    this info from my friend already use EC really good.. i quict register and now already active.
    but i must learn about EC because i want good traffic in my url

    thenk you very much

  107. Andre Avatar

    Really? Woow..that’s cool man!! i’ll try for myself..hopefully like yours…hehehe

  108. Cybersquate Avatar

    thats really awesome tips…. Congratulation for you and thanks Dear…

  109. Jimmy Kurnia Indradjaya Avatar

    Hi there,

    To be honest I’ve never heard about this before. Thank you for this article and congratulations for your achievement! It’s a great job!

  110. Artha Avatar

    i don’t understand about Entrecard, please give me same tutorial a about Entrecard thank you and Congratulation for you

  111. Curtis McCoy Avatar

    I own Discount Supplements and Health Forums. I was wondering what this service you talked about is? It looks like you’re doing great!!!


  112. javier Avatar

    Does it works for websites like this one ,that is a resume of news in video for latin american people.

  113. @del Avatar

    Wow, it’s amazing! Congrat’s
    I’ll follow you step. Thank for share :)

  114. […] nya kacau sekali. Beberapa diantara yang mereferensikan Entrecard diantaranya adalah jimmy dan Marcus Hochstadt. Dari peringkat alexa kedua blog tersebut memang cukup membuktikan bahwa cara mereka adalah tepat. […]

  115. Danu Avatar

    wow, thats amazing,
    i will try, thanks for tips…

  116. download ketika cinta bertasbih Avatar

    Wow, congrats for rank in top 100000 alexa

  117. […] is one of the best ways to promote your blog. See reviews of Entrecard with boost your traffic, Marcus Hochstadt get 100.000 top alexa ranking in 3month with […]

  118. ensept Avatar

    I hope i get success with my blog like you and get more traffic from this community.


  119. Silverspring Avatar

    congratulations , 100000 mark is hard to reach

  120. lukman Avatar

    hi, congratulations pal! wish u keep the post!

  121. Kumpulan Avatar

    Congrat’s Marcus.. I’ll try for myself too

  122. bernie Avatar

    Is it really “only” because of entrecard ?
    What a nice tool

  123. ruben Avatar

    wow.. nice info…

    i’ll join entrecard..

    thnx for this great info..

    keep postin… :D

  124. benbego Avatar

    i love entrecard too. Its nice social network.

  125. SatoNa Avatar

    hi, I just surfed about entrecard and finally drop by here.. ^^

    I hope my rank will increase as fast as you.. :P

  126. fitri Avatar

    hi, please describe about entrecard. my credit is very low

  127. John Doro Avatar

    Seriously, this post is so helpful for a newbie like me…

  128. Keren Avatar

    Amazing…..perhaps my alexa can be like yours….

  129. george Avatar

    WOW thats crazy I have been around for like 3 months and i’m still 2,000,000

  130. Freeware PDA Games And Applications Avatar

    my Alexa rank is poor now, i hope with your way i can grow up my rank, thanks i already join with entrecard

  131. irvan Avatar

    i was add my website to alexa, but until now a never get rank from alexa..can u give me advice how to get rank from alexa…thanks. ( sori my english not too good .. :-) )

  132. cheraxsp Avatar

    Congratz, That’s Awesome, please take me in your party, share your happiness to me friend :)

  133. 100k Avatar

    I just discovered Entrecard as a secret weapon for quite a few top alexa ranking blogs a few days ago, and now I stumbled upon your post, which confirmed my assertion and gives me more inspiration on improving my own ranking. Congratulations!

  134. ian Avatar

    I’ve started my blog 2 weeks ago. It’s not perfect as you can see, and the traffic was very low. But 3 days ago I started to using entrecard, and my blog’s traffic getting higher. It’s not too high, but I’m sure that my blog’s alexa ranking will get higher in few months. Thanks for your inspiring story!

  135. Avatar

    I wanna get entrecard for my blog too..
    thx man..

  136. ifan Avatar

    Thanks. I have no idea how powerful entrecard is until I find your post here. Very inspiring. I’ll join it and hopefully I can be as successful as you. Congratulations!

  137. Dito Avatar

    Greetings From Indonesia.. hhmm i’d love to try this opportunity.. thanks

  138. […] and YES. The traffic to increase steadily. You can also read Marcus Hochstadt’s testimony on how to increase his Alexa rank to 100,000 in only 66 days. He is not full time blogger and this […]

  139. Dendy Avatar

    wow… you’re so smart

  140. revellweb Avatar

    awesome.. good job..
    thx for sharing..

  141. H Silitonga Avatar

    Wow…this one could be my lesson.
    I’ll try the recipe… :D

  142. thedemeet Avatar

    wow…its so amazing…thanks marcus…your information is very important to me…god bless you…:)

  143. Ahmad Fauzi Avatar

    Hi Mr Marcus thanks for your tips it’s very good and its very good idea
    i am try this
    nice blog

    from indonesia
    Ahmad Fauzi

  144. afwan auliyar Avatar

    congrat ….. :)

    I want to do it same as you

    that’s good tips & nice post ….

    am I late for do that !?!?

  145. faizal kamal Avatar

    Congrats, Marcus !!!
    that’s amazing. I hope to break the 100,000 one day. I guess I need to start dropping a lot more entrecards. how can dothat? can you teel me aboit thats secret? Thanks alot before/.

  146. Deo Wibawa Avatar

    Wow ,,,

    I want to try like you,,

    Say hello to Indonesia !!

  147. zaduna Avatar


    one word, “amazing”

    :P … Go go go Indonesia.

  148. kuncoro Avatar

    thanks for your info

  149. entertainment art Avatar

    i hope i will get this more quickly more better because my alexa rank still in 19 million, ugh so far from 100.000

  150. Budiawan Hutasoit Avatar

    Hi Marcus…i’m just new seems am too late of this info..anyhow congrat..warm rgds from indonesia…

  151. indocontest Avatar

    Hi Marcus,
    It’s look like last 20 comment is from Indonesia. LoL.

  152. andre Avatar

    It’s very wonderful information i ever knew. Adding trafic web 100.000 in 66 days is amazing………

  153. ahad Avatar

    wow…that good news….

  154. willi09 Avatar

    very good article.. Thanks so much…

  155. sahrudin Avatar


    I will learn with your tips.

  156. aliansyah Avatar

    THANKS a LOT Sir MARKUS. . . .
    Your tips is Awesome . . .
    i hope i can realize to my blog
    n see what happen if i do yout tips, how days to be like your web?


  157. Richard Avatar

    I`ve just broken into the top 400K and its taken me three months, think i have a bit of catching up to do!!!


  158. rendy Avatar

    wow… congratulations….

    Im just new in Entrecard, signup yesterday. I hope my site can got traffic like you have.

  159. tha Avatar


    wait for me soon

  160. juragantahu Avatar

    wow…it’s surprise!! amazing!!!

  161. fropsware Avatar

    just sign up 5 minutes ago, learn from the master :)

  162. - s L i K e R s - Avatar

    I want dropped by you :)

  163. Rayhan Avatar

    Wow. Its unavailable. Im a new blogger so, i have to learn more….

  164. Dominic Avatar

    My site went on line 24 th Nov 2008
    ,has climbed from 12,900,00 to 1,800,00 3 months rank
    1 WEEK 290,000
    and yesterday 75,000
    I cannot explain it as my stats don.t dshow that many visitors:(
    Just curious as to how reliable Alexa is

  165. ahmet Avatar

    “Alexa Top 100,000 In 66 Days”

    Well that is called “cheating Alexa” in webmaster’s world

    it is esay and it does work.

    just simply search for “cheating alexa” on google.

  166. O |k A Avatar

    Do you really want to give me 100 EC?
    Hopely it was make it real :D

    1. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

      No. Please re-read my post, especially the note at its end.


  167. Risa Avatar

    nice tips, i’ve just joining entrecard. I hope my blog gets more traffic through this entrecard

  168. IT Buzz Avatar

    That’s really impressive i ‘ve also joined entrecard lets see the result.

  169. sephtian Avatar

    wow, what’s amazing!!!!

    now i’ll try to use entrecard..

  170. crispz Avatar

    THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the tips…
    I’ll try it to my blog..
    Amazing tips!!

  171. Dio Avatar

    I a new member in entrecard..hopelly that i could learn about traffic building..thx for share..

  172. adel Avatar

    Entrecard is amazing bro. I have place in my site, and my traffic so boost

  173. Nathan Conrad Avatar

    Congratulations on reaching the top 100,000! You are an inspiration to all who are aspiring. I started an electronics company about a month and a half back, and already we have jumped from over 23,000,000 to 2,700,000 as of tonight! You are truly proof that it can be achieved! Thank you for that.

  174. Joe Hall Avatar

    Im am primarily a website marketer, but thinking about starting my own site. I am interested to know how much should a site in the Alexa top 100,000 make in a month?
    How much traffic do you typically need to receive on daily basis to break into the top 100,0000?
    Thank you for your help.

  175. Hiwaar Avatar

    That is a good news. If you could tell me what does it need to be in the top 100000. I sit number of visitors or backlinks?

  176. antonie Avatar

    thank for share, i’m glad to read this post and will do a little practice with this tutor

  177. Mutiara Avatar

    wow.. i think i am not wrong choosing Entrecard. Some last days ago I just signed up and now I have realized that my site on the right way to get rank up on Alexa. Thanks for your info. Your info was helpful.. Wish u more successfull :)

  178. retno wulandari Avatar

    thanks for your information about entre card, till now i have no traffic, so i am going to use your tips. thanks again.

  179. dossilfuels Avatar

    I have been using entreecard for days… hopefully it will make a significant on increasing alexa….

  180. Nugroho Avatar

    I’m using EC to boost my traffic as per your tips.
    Thanks Bro

  181. venice Avatar

    I am interest and i have account Ec and I don’t know to put widget to another member Ac.thanks for sharing
    Do you really want to give me 100 EC?
    Hopely it was make it real.

  182. Mary Young Avatar

    I didn’t know that this is possible unless you’re spending every single second of your life in from of your computer but if you say that you spend only part time in your site, then that is really amazing. Think, I should try it myself. Thanks

  183. tayana Avatar

    I can not find the connection between boosting alexa rank and entrecard, but I’m interesting to prove it. And I already using it for days, hopefully it will make a significant on increasing alexa.

  184. Edwin Avatar

    I’m new to Entrecard just sign few days ago, thanks for the info, I hope alexa ranking for my site can be like your site

  185. koko Avatar

    thanks for your information about entre card, till now i have no traffic, so i am going to use your tips. thanks again.

  186. Dina Buenvenida Avatar
    Dina Buenvenida

    Obviously, Alexa had made an effective improvement every month. As we can observe in the graph, the flow of the chart is increasing most especially on the month of March.

  187. zizu Avatar

    Nice articles, i hope your tips is usefull for my blog that have bad traffic.
    Thanks, and regards

    1. Ahmad Mubarak Avatar
      Ahmad Mubarak

      this entrecard is not active anymore :(

  188. Mas Kuncoro Avatar

    Nice posting Marcus. My entrecard account is new. I’ll use this tips. Thanks.

  189. Anuj Avatar

    It’s amazing! I’m just going to sign up for Entrecard!


  190. Manisha Avatar

    While searching how to reduce Alexa ranking i found your blog..its really informative.Now i am going concentrate more on reducing Alexa ranking for my blog..thanks a lot

  191. bohdaq Avatar

    You just write posts about alexa, and visitors of this pages have installed alexa toolbar.

    All is simple, no magic

  192. Cynthia B. Avatar
    Cynthia B.

    “This is the result of my efforts of only 66 days”

    Congratulations! I am new to blogging and I wish I can say the same.

  193. Paul Avatar

    Very intersting article. Congratulations ! ! ! I will look into Entrecard asap. As this might be a great solution for my business.
    Thank you for posting.

  194. Jabir Alhayan Avatar

    Thank a lot for the information hopefully bring benefits

  195. Jabir Alhayan Avatar

    Thank a lot for the information hopefully bring benefits

  196. […] here’s how I reached Alexa Top 100,000 In 66 Days, and here’s the world’s most popular (& still unique) Entrecard Contest I ran with […]

  197. Bjohnson Lane Avatar

    What the snap is entrecard? haha!

  198. MUXLIMO Avatar

    Wowww!! how You did that, Bro?!  Gimme some advises please.. 

  199. AS & A Development Corporation Avatar
    AS & A Development Corporation


  200. Casaproperty Avatar

    Being on the Top 100,000 is really hard, for me you really needs to put some effort before being there. so, congratulations!!! I deed a very good job!

  201. Trylle Charlie Avatar

    Congrats, that is very impressive. Start another blog and try to beat that record. Can you do it 50 days?

  202. Ayodhyanath Guru Avatar

    Really that is great, withing 66 days you got a good position on Alexa.
    How many visits per day do you get

  203. Cars Automotive Ayasmonsterz Avatar

    Great! i never seen like this before, how come the alexa rate keep down!! it’s amazing.  “Alexa Top 100,000 In 66 Days” is maybe still imposible for me..


  204.  Avatar

    I just know now, how powerful way to use entrecard especially for slimming alexa, nice i can hear your story. 66 days is a short time, and you can drop below 100.000 this is a fantastic result. Congrazt to you

  205. simpanan Avatar

    how great..!!!! i have a dream bcame like you. whats your tips to be so succesfull

  206.  Avatar

    Please show me how to crack the Alexa top 100 

  207.  Avatar

    yes amazing.but one my question? how much days new site are index in alexa.

  208. yohan Avatar

    Very well done and amazing… I am nowhere around 100,000 of alexa i have passed already 120+ days and still around 2.4 million lagging, anyway wish you good luck.

  209. Tpatterson Avatar

    Hi, have really enjoyed reading the comments, great blog.
    Tammye from Alivebox Costa Rica

  210. aidhe Avatar

    nice tips pal..really helpful to maximizing traffic for my blog..thanks a lot

  211. Cayle Avatar

    Congrats my friend. Im new to EC. I hope I have the same success that you have had. 

  212. Timothy Parker Avatar
    Timothy Parker

    hey count me in! I also want to rank my blog posts on alexa…tnx in advance!:)

  213. Eric Burnett Avatar
    Eric Burnett

    Great Article, I really enjoyed this one and congrats on your 100000 ranking on google.. 

  214. Pauline Avatar

    Impressive, it took me fice months to get there!

  215. Fuad Avatar

    artikel yang sangat bermanfaat

  216. YasirAbbasi Avatar

    He is a fucking liar. His global rank is 877,105. check on alexa.

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