We all need more time in the day, but short of waving a magic wand to stop time or creating more hours in the day, the only thing we can do is run around in a mad rush to get everything done, right? Wrong.
It is possible to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time – and all with less stress! It only takes discipline, focus and learning to say “no.”
Discipline: to eliminate (or outsource) internet “surfing” —
Focus: to tackle tasks with efficiency — and
No: to extra things with no value that add to an already crazy schedule.
Without further ado, here are 10 tips on how to save two hours per day (while regaining your sanity)…
- Check e-mail only at specific times — Of all the time consuming tasks each day, this one has to take the cake. As I’m living prove, you can easily save 2 hours per day just on this one task by implementing a two rules: 1. Save the personal e-mails for off-work hours. 2. Establish set times to check e-mails, preferably twice a day max.
Even better yet, hire assistants and have them filter your e-mail messages, only forwarding the essentials.
- Use a daily planner — This can take a little getting used to, but it’s worth it. Include everything in your daily planner… appointments, “to-do’s,” and phone calls. Be sure to add travel times and an extra 15 minutes on the end of everything for a buffer. You’ll be surprised when you have time left over at the end of the day.
- Focus, Focus, Focus — It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of multi-tasking only to spend the entire day scrambling. Concentrate on completing the tasks at hand until it’s done, and then move on to the next, again, until it’s done.
- Avoid personal phone calls during work hours — We all love our friends, but we have to make a living. At the end of the day, our friends don’t pay our bills, so reserve working hours for Internet business only and call friends after work.
- Learn to wrangle in “needless conversation” — We’ve all been victim to the occasional rambling co-worker or employee. Be tactful and courteous, while gently leading the conversation to its purpose and conclusion.
- Consider different working hours — These days, people sit in traffic every day all around the world. In case you still have and need to get to a day job, consider alternative times when getting to and going home from the office will not be spent in traffic. Did you know the average person spends 38 hours per year in traffic? Glad that excludes me!
- Consider telecommuting from home — More and more people are working from home either full-time or part-time. Eliminating the drive to the office just one day a week could save time and money.
- Give up the TiVo — I talked about this a few times already… The tube is everyone’s friend : – ) but it also takes up valuable time. Reducing time spent in front of the TV allows for the time to do so many other things—like building your Internet business!
- Switch it up — Try a new routine. Talk to friends, co-workers, business associates—or better yet, a Mentor. Ask them how they save time and balance life with a demanding schedule; they might just provide a gem of a tip.
- Plan the next day the night before — Before going to bed, go over your daily planner for the next day. The mind is amazing at accomplishing goals, and while you’re sleeping it will be working everything out to save even more time and increase productivity. This 10th tip is well worth a separate post as it can give you another 2 hours per day. So stay tuned!
There you have it.
Now, the goal is to pick the one that you like most and implement it. Don’t play with all 10 by “trying” here and there a bit. Instead, choose the one tip that you think brings the most rewards in terms of saving two hours per day and act upon it to its fullest.
Then and only then pick another one with the aforementioned approach.
—Marcus Hochstadt
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