Internet Business Guide

For First-Class Progress

I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What?

I Made $13.692,59 In Profits Last Month, So What?When we want to master something in life, we go to someone who is a proven master in what we want to master ourselves, right?

When we want to become good parents, we learn from people who have succeeded at raising kids. We wouldn’t be listening to people who haven’t had kids yet, would we?

When we want to learn how to get rich, we would learn from people who make the amount of money we want to make in the area that excites us. We wouldn’t listen to poor people would we, even when they are our best friends?

When we want to become healthier and substantially improve our fitness, we would hire a fitness coach, like Pat King, someone who has the body shape and fitness we are aiming for. We would not listen to people who are consistently overweight, would we?

When we want to succeed at picking up girls, we would seek advice from seduction experts, like Bobby Rio and Mike Stoute. We would not in the world ask someone who hasn’t had a girl in bed for the past three or so years, would we?

When we want to cook the most delicious food in town, we would learn from a master cook who won national prizes and competitions. We would not be asking someone who’s eating fast food every day, would we?

When we want to attract whatever we want in life, we would learn from someone who miraculously attracts whatever s/he wants and knows the secret, like Dr. Joe Vitale. We would not ask someone who has only unfulfilled wishes, would we?

While the above sounds familiar and makes perfect sense when reading it, why in the world do so many people NOT follow the above rules in their everyday life?

For example, I recently read a post by Bill from claiming that blogging would be a bad way to make money online. What? He calls himself a blog entrepreneur making $1,000/month but states it would be a bad idea? Bill, nothing against you personally, really, but I suggest you go ahead and change your blog title. Not only that though…

Bill says he aims for time freedom (I agree) and that blogging would take too much time (I do not agree.)

I read that all the time. People make statements and have beliefs based on their own limited experiences and circumstances. For instance, Bill claims that “any Problogger will tell you that they probably work as much on a blog as they would at a regular job.” Oops! How many probloggers did he ask? It seems to me he didn’t ask any or else he would probably think differently.

From my own experience—and I did ask a problogger I personally know, my Mentor James Brausch—probloggers work much less on their blogs than you might think. James, for example, works only 1-3 (one to three) hours per week, sometimes even less (i.e., none!)

Now, you might be asking how is this possible, working only 3 hours per week while making tens of thousands of dollars at the same time? This question is commonly ask by people who still have employment thinking in their mind. I had this myself for many, many years, and I am so happy to finally get rid of it piece by piece.

I learned that in order to succeed online and make thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars per month you need to delegate as many tasks as possible. I call it High-Profile Outsourcing. (Frankly, I’m still working too many hours myself, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel! ;-)

Feeling intimidated at the thought of having to regularly write blog posts? Find and hire excellent ghostwriters! Have a task on your desk for a couple weeks that you hate to do? Get a virtual assistant! Would it take you days or even weeks setting up and maintaining a Web site? Get a good coder, someone who does it in hours instead of weeks!

Bill could turn his $1,000 into $10,000/month if he would go beyond his own circumstances and get rid of his limiting beliefs.

If something doesn’t work, don’t adjust your goals, adjust your action steps.

The dangerous thing is that Bill gives blogging advice in that he pretends blogging would be a bad way to make money online. It may be a bad way for him but surely not in general. Why not turn that belief into another direction?

For example, Collin LaHay recently changed his blog’s focus from make money online to Web site marketing strategies. I tend to agree with him. He gives excellent marketing tips which I follow regularly. Though, he says he lacks proper results when it comes to teaching how to make money online, since he makes only $500/month, hence the change in blog title and focus.

The thing I want you to take home is this… Follow advice from people who are successful in the area you want to master. Or in other words, when you want to master something, learn from a master, not a beginner.

Feel you’re not having enough time to do all the tasks at hand? Perhaps you should get rid of the tube! That alone will save most people several hours each day. The next step is to realize that multitasking is insane. Focusing on one task at a time is what moves you forward considerably.

Feel frustrated because you only make a mere $50 or $100/month while spending 320 hours at the same time? Perhaps having all those AdSense ads and affiliate links up is the wrong way to do it, or you present them in a barren way, or you just need more traffic. Or… perhaps you should create and sell your own products and build your own customer list instead.

Additionally, avoid the temptation of doing everything on your own and start to outsource!

If you feel you are not ready yet to teach someone something, think again. There is something you know that others don’t. The Internet is being used for finding information and products. People spend billions of dollars to get what they want. I know there is something you can help others with.

Create a Web site, get targeted traffic, and create and sell your own products or services, or recommend excellent products using the companie’s affiliate programs.

Don’t feel ashamed to sell something to your audience. Some people act as if it would be dishonoring to sell products to your readers. That’s an insane virus these people need to get rid of! Your audience does not only expect you to give them your “secrets,” you have the damn responsibility to do that and train them!

You know how to lose weight? Of course your audience is eagerly waiting for your products teaching them how to lose weight. Create them and sell them to your readers!

You know how to make money online? Of course your audience is eagerly waiting for (your) products teaching them how to make money online. Give them what they want or else they will buy them elsewhere!

You know how to build and enjoy an incredible relationship? You guessed it… Your audience is eager; they will buy your products on how to build and enjoy an unforgettable long-term relationship.

You love to travel and know a country or place from the inside out? … Exactly…

That is—in essence—how I made $13,692.59 in profits last month, and my blog has been a good part of it (which I run part time.)

—Marcus Hochstadt


45 responses to “I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What?”

  1. Virtual Millenium Avatar

    Indeed, always ask and learn from a master.
    Thanks for this post I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Nartono Avatar

    That’s great. Please teach me how to get alot of money?

  3. Mark Avatar

    Found this post beautifully written and offering great inspiration for anyone trying to make an income online. You have proved that online success is achievable and thanks for the great tips.

  4. TK Avatar

    well said. thanks for the reminder. good advice here that will help me and being able to BLOG TO GREAT !

  5. Collin LaHay Avatar

    Thanks for the link.

    I didn’t go into a lot of details why I changed my title, but I merely summed up a quick sentence about it. I make more than $500/m, but it is by marketing ALL of my websites, as well as a few clients of mine, rather than just a blog. Since my blog only makes less than 25% of my income, I decided it was better to get off the “blogging” topic when my tips can benefit every niche.

    At any rate, great post Marcus.

  6. phoFuki Avatar

    Great Post! I nice kick in the buttocks for those sitting on the fence. The reality is like you said, money can be made in anything you are excited about. Big money is made when you look at the big picture and outsource the details.


  7. Bill Avatar

    Marcus you spend more than 2-3 hours a day just managing your Entrecard account. I appreciate your enthusiasm but if you are trying to make anyone think that you made 13k dollars in profit spending 2 hours a day then you are simply not being truthful.

    If you want to justify it by saying you outsource everything then that is an alternative sure…but most of your readers do not have the financial resources to do that, so you are preaching to the wrong audience.

    As for my 1k dollars the prior month…that was my blog alone….my niche sites…..which just sit there and require almost no work other than link building…..made far more than that.

    You missed the entire point of the post….which is to point out that people like you make it sound like it is easy to make a fortune online and that it can be done in a couple of hours a day.

    As much as you want to sell the dream and as much as your readers want to BELIEVE the dream….it takes a LOT of work.

    That’s my point, not that it can’t be done….but that it isn’t easy. My title was nothing more than an attention grabber. Which apparently it worked…so thanks for the link.

  8. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Thanks for the expansion of your sentence, Collin. ;-)


  9. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Oh Bill, it is obvious you were cheated. Get some help! ;-)


  10. […] the first time, his stats for his 5-month-old blog. They are nothing short of breathtaking, earning a purported $13,692.59 of profit (not revenue). I’ve personally never heard of someone turning such a quick profit […]

  11. Michael Aulia Avatar

    I agree that blogging takes so much of your time. You may spend only 1-2 hours to write up a post, but you spend more on building links, getting traffics, etc, especially on the first months of your blog online

  12. Teach Me $$ Avatar

    Came to your site through entrecard and quickly read 3-4 blog posts all very informative.

  13. Deimos Tel`Arin Avatar

    That is a lot of monies you made in a month, Marcus.

    Oh I am so envious! :D

  14. Mr MultiVar Avatar

    You made great profits Marcus, keep up the good work.

    I think blogs are a great way to get targeted traffic via the back door to your products, and they provide a means to link to your product sites for search engine benefits.

    p.s. I hope your wife is OK after the health scare.

  15. Steve v4.6 Avatar

    Once again, an excellent post. Thanks!

  16. Grandy Avatar

    Outsourcing! I hadn’t considered it for my blog. I do it all the time in my “day job”. While recognizing where I’m technically challenged, I could outsource some help in maximizing my blog.

    Thanks for the thoughts, and congratulations on your successful April. :)

  17. Stephan Miller Avatar

    Outsourcing is definitely the way to go. I’m just getting into it. It speeds up the time from idea to money.

  18. jj Avatar

    Hey Marcus, I could not have picked a more perfect day to visit your site and read todays post! My mentor Krysti had told me to get in touch w/some of her former blog friends and take a look at their post. As you probably know by now Krysti has sold her blog Momscashblog to me, even knowing that I am very new to blogging. She said to make it mine and I will learn as I go. I have had a lot of flack from other bloggers and so has Krysti, but there was a reason that she picked me and even though I am a newbie,your words of advice “if something doesn’t work don’t adjust your goal,adjust your action steps”.Momscashblog will still be MCB but where I am new to making money online, the blog will be to help beginners to get a blog up and running and then make money with help from one and all. Thanks for what I feel was words written to me! I think it was Karma that sent me to your site. Thanks JJ at Momscashblog

  19. unnikuttan Avatar

    Thanks for your great advice.

  20. tukang sapu pinggir jalan Avatar

    i speechless read your profit/

  21. Shirley Avatar

    I must have read this post wrong or there is a mistake in using punctuation. But $13.692,59 is not a lot of money since it is just shy of $14.00 (fourteen dollars) I do agree with your advice and everyone has the ability to follow someone who knows what they are doing. It would be stupid to take advice about financial matters from a person who can’t even add or don’t know how to balance his own checkbook. I for one have blogs that are for helping people who have Diabetes and I don’t expect to make any money with them. I get my satisfaction from knowing I have helped them learn how to control their disease. Money is not always what it is all about.

  22. Marcus Hochstadt Avatar

    Oops! You’re right, Shirley. I obviously had the German punctuation in mind. ;-)

    Thanks for pointing that out. It should be correct now.

    @ JJ, hey thanks for stepping by! Krysti is such a wonderful lady and “momtrepreneur,” I highly respect her.

    Keep up the good work, JJ, and let’s stay in touch!


  23. Theresa Avatar

    Working anything online takes just that work. As Marcus points out, initially there is time involved if you want your space to reflect and feel like you. However, outsourcing is a very good way to eliminate a lot of the “tedious” tasks. You do want to keep a part of yourself involved though. We see too often people relinquishing total responsible yet expecting the moon. Life doesn’t work that way.

  24. Pat King Avatar

    Hey thanks for the mention Marcus! :)

  25. Shirley Avatar

    Now that’s something to brag about.
    I had no idea there was a difference when using the dollar sign.
    I have seen this many times on other blogs and it was a typo.
    Congratulations, may your profits increase daily.
    You must be giving what your readers are looking for. Keep up the good work.

  26. RegretfulMorning Avatar

    Great read – thanks for the info!

  27. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  28. ideal4investors Avatar

    Your point about multi-tasking is something I just realized a few weeks ago. And creating a focus is key too. Figure out what makes you the most amount of money and do that. Then figure out how you can replicate it. Stop chasing the things that don’t make you money.

  29. Ana Avatar

    This number sounds amazing! I was speechless when I was reading this post for the first time. I can just say: Congratulations!

  30. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  31. George Lindemann Jr Avatar

    How you make lot of money from adsense , i have four blogs and can only make $50/ Month from all the blogs

  32. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  33. 4# The Marketer Review Sunday Carnival: May 25th 2…

    A quality carnival, this week, with lots of tips, tricks and advise and even the latest review on Problogger’s latest release….

  34. BlogMeTheMoney Avatar

    Thank you for submitting this article to The Weekend Quick Picks:2nd Edition.

    And grats on those amazing stats Marcus. Very Impressive :)

  35. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  36. SystemsThinker Avatar

    Very interesting post. I must just mention that sometimes you can learn from someone who can’t themselves do the task they’re teaching. For instance, there are some great basketball coaches who don’t have the body or talent to play well themselves, but are geniuses at developing athletes. So it isn’t a hard and fast rule that only people who can do something are the best at teaching it.

    But it’s certainly true that you want someone who has proven some level of success or can clearly display talent at the thing you’re going to them for.

    Also very true that it’s dangerous for people to generalize their experience and assume it is representative of what is possible for others.


  37. Internet Business Blog Carnival – Issue 15 | Internet Business Opportunities | oibo dot org

    […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  38. […] Hochstadt gives a great post on how he’s banking by blogging. I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What?, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  39. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  40. Voice in the Darkness Avatar

    Marcus, it is a great post. However, there is one thing that concerns me. Usually, someone who just starts out on online business cannot afford to spend extra $100 or $500 or whatever to commission work. You know, nobody would do a work or write articles for you if you don’t pay :))

    So it is a circle, which many people struggle to break: You do it all on your own and have no free time and you fail to make the $$$ because you are too stressed and because you are not making $$$, you cannot reduce the stress because you cannot commission a ghost writer. See what I mean?

    But anyway, I found some inspiration in what you’re saying. Thank you.

  41. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  42. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  43. […] Hochstadt presents I Made $13,692.59 In Profits Last Month, So What? posted at Marcus Hochstadt, saying, “Find out how Marcus Hochstadt makes thousands of dollars […]

  44. Top Paid Surveys Avatar

    Great read. thanks for sharing and better luck next months.

  45. Thesimpleessentials Avatar

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for this post. It said exactly what I needed to read this evening. My site is new, and I have been asking myself, “What the heck am I doing?’ I have a lot to say but I feel so disorganized becuase I am stil in the learning stages, but this post makes me feel as though at least I am on the right track and i just have to keep moving forward. Thank you.

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