This may sound like the start of some get serious pep-talk, but rest assured I do have a point—I promise! :-)
There is a lot of fuss these days on how to increase productivity, “churn and burn” sales, self-improvement for business growth, and a host of other secrets to success. The Internet is full of forum discussions, Web sites and advertisements selling tips on how to be more successful; which makes it difficult to separate the good success tips from the junk.
That’s where I come in. I’m cutting through all the junk and providing only the good stuff.
OK, I promised I had a point and here it is… One of the best success tips I can share with you is called The Power Of Focus. The Power Of Focus is not some cheesy fad, it is a real principle that when applied, makes for incredible improvements in personal and professional arenas.
What is The Power Of Focus and how do you use it?
The Power Of Focus is the mental discipline to focus on tasks with undivided attention.
In other words, it’s focusing on tasks without distractions to complete them with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency. As an example, say you’re chatting with a friend on the phone while trying to complete an important business proposal.
When it comes down to your success, what is more important, a friendly chat or a successful business proposal? This is when the discipline should kick in, and attention given to the task that will produce the greatest results. In this case, it would be completing the business proposal. Without distractions, you can bring your best to each task.
The friendly chat can wait. Frankly, you can talk to friends after you’ve closed the deal!
Here Are Some Tips For Using The Power Of Focus In Everyday Life
- Keep a daily planner – This is the power of focus hard at work. A daily planner serves two purposes: when tasks are written down, they are easier to remember and that gives the mind the mental space to focus on individual daily tasks without distraction.
- Focus on the task at hand – When writing an e-mail to a client, focus on writing and finishing the e-mail. Distractions reduce efficiency, draw attention away from what’s important, and result in less than your best. Remain “in the moment” in everything and don’t move on to the next task until the first one is complete.
- Keep a list of goals – The Power Of Focus can also be applied to goals. The mind acts as a sort of magnet, drawing near what it focuses on. Make a list of goals and place copies around the house, in the car, and in the office. Use The Power Of Focus to envision already having achieved the goals and watch them come to life.
The bottom line is this… Success doesn’t come from surfing the Net or chatting with friends on the phone, it comes from learning the secrets of success and applying them to your own accomplishments. One reason why the title of my blog says Internet Business Guide For First Class Progress. ;-)
—Marcus Hochstadt
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